@hummingbird @icedquinn are they anti-democratic? I'm so used to democracy not meaning anything in normal usage that I am wary of hearing that.
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@Moon @hummingbird i remember some commentators--i think on AJ's side--were talking about this. the state department has a rubrick for determining when a country is 'democratic' and when they are ass clowns. this includes rules like if there are severe ballot stuffing concerns, if leading political opponents are jailed, etc.
per the USA's own rubrick, the USA is a banana republic (lmao)
Russia is also tagged because Putin's only leading competitor is currently life in prison in an isolation cell.
i mean the entire world has gone to the spiders. i just find it amusing that you have representational systems and people are mad that they are representing people. in true shitlib fashion they don't open a dialogue and negociate they just go lets censor what we don't like--then shocked pikachu face when society implodes.
@Moon @hummingbird they are a far right party in a country of far left parties, basically. they have a lot of stupid takes but--banning a fairly popular political opponent starts setting off banana republic heuristics hard.