Mozilla Location Service (MLS) is an open geolocation service which allows devices to find their position by processing their received signals of publicly observable radio transmitters: cellular network antennae (and their Cell IDs), Wi-Fi access points (and their BSSIDs), and Bluetooth beacons. The service is provided by Mozilla since 2013. The service uses Mozilla's open source software project called Ichnaea.In February 2019 MLS had collected more than 44.43 million unique cell networks and 1450 million unique WiFi networks (April 2018: 37.7 million UCN and 1145 million UWN, November 2016: 28 million UCN and 757 million UWN, November 2015: 17 million UCN and 427 million UWN).
Data collection and processing
The mobile app Mozilla Stumbler for Android could be used to contribute signals of cellular networks and Wi-Fi access points at the device's GPS position. It was available in the Google Play store and F-Droid from November 2014 to February 2021 at which point it was officially retired. It was noted that contributions from Firefox for Android users "completely overwhelm[ed] the contributions...