@coolboymew You inspired me to do goblet squats and I thank you for it, in just a week I'm seeing my thighs/posterior lost weight at a frightening pace, which I had difficulties to loose any. So much that compared to the rest of my body which had it's skin adapt progressively, that zone is just awful to look at, it looks like futurama Farnsworth levels of dangling skin.
@coolboymew I do a progressive curve, sets with nothing, then 4Kg, 6Kg and 8Kg, I'll need to train a week or two before adding 12Kg and then 14Kg and 16Kg sets. I'm also impressed how far you've gone I basically stopped last year at summer and was starting 16Kg sets in my workouts.
Too much fatigue after pic-axing that dam garden each time and I just kinda forgot about continuing, over six months without physical efforts is bad, but I'm surprised how fast I'm recovering, I would ahve thought it would have taken me a month or two, now I'm almost half way to where I was in a week.
@mangeurdenuage fitness shit are ultra expensive. I thought I'd be able to buy new dumbbells plates, but apparently these barely exists and are more expensive than the entire set I bought. Wut?
@mangeurdenuage I'll have to see if I can do something else than the goblet squat, otherwise, I'm reaching the 20lb+ for arms day stuff and the max I can go with that custom weight is around 30lb, so I'm reaching it very soon
@coolboymew Worse part in this is that when you look at the material is either "fonte"/cast metal scraps, which is worthless at production, and/or plastic with sand, which is more worthless. And they sell this for 10000% what it costed them. Fuck these people.
@coolboymew >if I can do something else than the goblet squat There's load of stuff. Simple lifts with the kettlebell, turning around your waist in circles, same but around your head, lifting behind your neck, then you can also do abs with them, I also some knee training with them.
@coolboymew This exercise was a major change to me when I started it last year, I had so many issues due to my father who crushed me with his truck, for years I couldn't walk properly and started to have knee pain due to constant bad position and this almost solved everything, I can still feel a small sting, that something is weaker than the rest but it's not constant anymore.