Heading to #OFFDEM, I think it's super important to spend time thinking and discussing about what our presence and contribution mean there and how to respect each others truly to transform the society dynamics, to fight structural racism as much as (cis)sexism. I don't think we will be good for fighting ableism this time...
Taking place in an undocumented people squat, therefore mostly non-white people who are so few in our FOSS communities, we should keep in mind that our preoccupations, priorities, energies and vulnerabilities are not always 100% aligned and make efforts to comply as much as possible with them when we have the opportunity to. Without getting intrusive, we should pay attention to the people who will host us there and aim to create/share beautiful and powerful stuff with them, as much experts ones and "basic"/non-users. Not aside. Also : listening, not teaching. Sharing.
BUT : please, let's keep white savior complex outside. Read : accomplices, not allies (https://www.indigenousaction.org/accomplices-not-allies-abolishing-the-ally-industrial-complex/).
Partners in crime if you prefer.
Radical solidarity, not charity.
As I like to say : "sharing the benefits of our privileges and the risks of our oppressions to abolish both".
Which means to protect more than to expose to more risks than it has collectively been approved to take.
Giving money, time to the struggle.
The name of this 3rd edition is "decolonizing europe matters". If we don't fully integrate that perspective, then this motto will be useless and even counter-effective (acting like colonizers). Use spare time to discuss : what is to decolonize in Europe ? How can we ?
Anyway, don't get it wrong : this is not a "cooler FOSDEM" (tho it still is ^^ but more than this, it's a more engaging one, less consumerist).