Thoughts on
@childrapist1488 Haven't visited it in months, it's just /i/ with tiktok children nowadays.
@childrapist1488 Ah, it's a new splinter and not just soyspeak. Never heard of it, are jarty and all the purhase era splinters not enough?
Jarty was the only splinter THOUGH ( and died)
jarty is oldCHAD larp site with mid quotes and 200 reply goon breads, and the sharty /soy/ is basically /pol/ now with soyjaks allowed and /raid/ is /kiwifarms/
GEG that is pretty true, i've barely used the farty since june or so after kuz sold the site cuz it 1/3 look at my awful jak, 1/3 who's white, 1/3 blogpost and 1/3 dox threads
@childrapist1488 @mint them raiding wikifur was funny ngl