@EssentialUtinsil Honestly, looking at stuff like this, it’s like the White cattle tax farm has been set up for thousands of years. Absolute disgrace this was allowed to happen.
@Griffith @EssentialUtinsil the real interest free loans come when they want to corner and take over some market (i.e. FTX)
@MechaSilvio @Griffith see, I'm fine with spreading this meme to normies. when the jews come along and 'well actually', then they can explain how they go about trying to trick god.
@EssentialUtinsil @MechaSilvio It’s also just a general redpill with how Jews work. Normies assume they’re just like Christians with funny hats, but they have an entire parallel system and the more normies learn about that the fewer jewish tricks they’ll fall for.
@Griffith @EssentialUtinsil I don't think this is "interest free". It's more like their light switch or the rope around the city: "on paper this is not a loan, it's an investment, the Volcano Demon won't get mad!!!"
@MechaSilvio @Griffith yes
@EssentialUtinsil @Griffith 100%! "would you trust someone that makes paperwork to trick their own god?"