@noyoushutthefuckupdad They reinvented Yahoo
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@tiskaan @Moon it's written by the writer of Dr. Stone and the artist is the same guy who drew the Spider-Man manga in 1970.
@Moon I'm learning about investing, business, and scamming all at once. you might enjoy it, Dear Leader.
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @Moon the managaka who made this shoukd be banned from writing his own even if his artquality is godly
@noyoushutthefuckupdad @Moon i know.
but i read bestia once and its like the worst written piece of crap ive ever had the displeasure of reading.
even more so considering the fucking beauty that was its art.
atleast his manga bout those wierd as mofo who can dectect the presence of an invisible woman by the smell of her pussy was good because he doesnt take himself too swriously.
@coolboymew @Fullmetal2255 lookie here are this crazy jap comic I'm reading
@tiskaan @Moon it's weird seeing 1970s-style art used to present modern technology like vtubers. but I can dig it.