Hoss Delgado ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 04:25:40 JST Hoss Delgado
>Guys I know the government lies about everything nonstop all the time and there isn't a single thing you can reliably take at its word BUT THEY DIDN'T LIE ABOUT THIS ONE SPECIFIC THING OKAY!?!?
The Moon Landing: It's Santa for adults.-
Moon ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 04:25:39 JST Moon
@Hoss nigga u serious Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
LS ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 04:25:39 JST LS
@Moon @Hoss
> lost all recordings and plans of one of the most inspiring events in human history
> faked everything and got away it while the whole world watched
both seems implausible tbh -
LS ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 04:26:38 JST LS
@Moon @Hoss although people also didn't know about the atomic bomb until the day it dropped, so at least some massive secret conspiracies work some of the time and have the intended result -
Kirino Kousaka ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 04:33:56 JST Kirino Kousaka
Because, if you did your research, you would understand that landing on the moon is a soft impact and, due to the low gravity, requires very little thrust to slow down the landing (and taking off utilizes explosive bolts).
If you also did your research, instead of speculating about the achievements of the greatest engineers of our time (with no actual evidence), you would understand that the moon landing EXCEEDED expectations and was such a soft landing that the shock absorbers didn't even activate.
This is all presuming you actually look into things before challenging their validity. I know, backing up your beliefs is difficult. Stinky.
Kirino Kousaka ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 04:33:57 JST Kirino Kousaka
It does strike me as funny that someone calling everything a psyop would believe in the moon landing.
To be clear, I believe in the moon landing but also don't believe a lot of conspiracies surrounding the government.
Some sure, others no.
'ol Mitch ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 04:33:57 JST 'ol Mitch
Whaaaaat? They landed on the moon and then also safely returned from it using a box wrapped in mylar which left no crater, what's so hard to accept about that -
Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:00:16 JST Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think:
@Hoss -
Moon ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:02:04 JST Moon
@lain @Hoss I'm not surprised the lost the stuff tbh. my main reason I don't believe it was faked is that if we faked it the Russians would have outed us instantly. Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
KaiserKitty ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:02:17 JST KaiserKitty
@Hoss Moon landing hoax is kook slop made to larp for the elites. They wish they could fake something that big but you cant. The regime's strength is in spin not fakery. -
Hoss Delgado ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:02:17 JST Hoss Delgado
>The regime's strength is in spin not fakery.
Then explain 9/11Disinformation Purveyor :verified_think: likes this. -
Narada ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:38:42 JST Narada
@Hoss @kf01 I'd never thought about this, but it seems obvious now that I hear it
Hoss Delgado ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:38:43 JST Hoss Delgado
Sputnik didn't rattle American leadership because the commies sent a bleeping doodad up into orbit. It rattled them because it was the Soviets saying "We can throw shit at you". An almost-literal shot across the bow. -
KushanaFan01 ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:38:44 JST KushanaFan01
@Hoss @narada this guy understands
It was never about le science™ it was about seeing how far you can send something on a rocket. If you can reach space you can reach DC or Moscow -
Hoss Delgado ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:38:45 JST Hoss Delgado
The real redpill regarding the Space Race is that it was only barely about going to fucking space at all. It was about building ICBMs, which both sides had accomplished by the end of the Space Race. The propaganda bullshit that was used by both sides to justify the construction of world-annihilating weapons had run its course and was no longer necessary. -
Hoss Delgado ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:38:46 JST Hoss Delgado
When America "landed" on the Moon the Soviets were given the perfect out to stop wasting resources they couldn't afford to keep spending on the Space Race. They saved a lot more face than they otherwise would have if they had simply surrendered. -
Narada ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:38:46 JST Narada
@Hoss >Retarded normalfags still ask why did we stop going to space???
As if there was anything more to be done there lmao. What a money sink -
Narada ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:38:47 JST Narada
@Hoss The only thing that gives me pause is that the Soviets didn't tear it apart. Every other thing I've learned about it convinces me that hoaxing the moon landing was what Kubrick did to be initiated into the Illuminati or whatever it's really called
KushanaFan01 ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 05:39:08 JST KushanaFan01
@narada @Hoss look at it now, we're using the guise of colonising Mars under Victory for Science™ and show of Human Unity but you know the second nation can master a mass off earth colony orbital or on another celestial body they're strapping nukes to that thing and aiming it from above. -
guizzy (in exile) ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 14:02:03 JST guizzy (in exile)
@lain @Hoss @Moon > lost all recordings and plans of one of the most inspiring events in human history
They probably thought "bah, who cares about that grainy footage, in 10 years landing on the moon will be trivial"LS likes this. -
御園はくい ('s status on Wednesday, 31-Jan-2024 14:03:03 JST 御園はくい
@lain @Moon @Hoss considering the things they got away with in recent decades i won't discount it LS likes this.