cool_boy_mew ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 06:18:49 JST cool_boy_mew
More like it seems like he got obsessed with the source material and amazingly annoyed that the showrunners gave no shit about it - 🌲Number 1 Pleroma Criminal on XBL 🇵🇱|🇺🇸 likes this.
cool_boy_mew ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:48:06 JST cool_boy_mew
@guy From what I understand, Witcher 3 -
Guy ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:48:08 JST Guy
...What game was he playing?
It seems like they're describing a rude actor. I thought those were a dime a dozen.
Also, I love fantasy action genre, and I couldn't choke down more than 4 episodes of that show.
Apparently too refined and sophisticated for me.
Nacho Man Trendy Sewage ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:48:43 JST Nacho Man Trendy Sewage
@coolboymew same thing, while reading I thought he was trying to save the show he cared about from the females trying to ruin it cool_boy_mew likes this. -
Your Loud, Obnoxious Skunkle Jesse ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:49:06 JST Your Loud, Obnoxious Skunkle Jesse
Pretty sure it was the cunts on staff that made it impossible to run the show... cool_boy_mew likes this. -
PapaPol #FreeTibet🧘♂️ ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:49:33 JST PapaPol #FreeTibet🧘♂️
@coolboymew he's literally just a really nice guy
yjH_9xK0Isj0-mVD..mp4cool_boy_mew likes this. -
cool_boy_mew ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:50:05 JST cool_boy_mew
@PapaPole Wow, an opinion that's literally otherwise never professed by actors nowadays -
koropokkur :verified: :amigacheck: ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:50:19 JST koropokkur :verified: :amigacheck:
@coolboymew good for Cavill.
imagine being known for ruining the character by having gay sex with Lex Luthor.cool_boy_mew likes this. -
Moon Cricket ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:50:59 JST Moon Cricket
It's the same reason he quit the roll of Superman. The actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson had it in his contract for the roll of Black Adam that Black Adam couldn't be defeated by Superman. Cavill, being a giga autist, REEEEEd about it and quit all future DCU films.cool_boy_mew likes this. -
CyberSpook ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:51:29 JST CyberSpook
Really? I'm surprised he liked it so much. cool_boy_mew likes this. -
Shadowman311 ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:52:01 JST Shadowman311
@coolboymew @guy Its so fucking funny
"Hey Henry, you have to play this character"
"Okay, I'll play the Witcher 3 to get immersed in the character since that's the only performance of Geralt in mainstream entertainment"
"Hey showrunner, none of this shit makes sense in the universe, could you please change it?"
"Ummm are you mansplaining to me? You're fired"
Hollywood is such a colossal fucking disaster, at least he got to head 40k's "cinematic universe" for his troublecool_boy_mew and Kenny Blankenship like this. -
cool_boy_mew ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:52:46 JST cool_boy_mew
@Shadowman311 @guy If I'm not mistaken, it was said that the showrunners literally hated the source materials -
Why (Bloomed & Unhanced) ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:53:53 JST Why (Bloomed & Unhanced)
@coolboymew tltl;drdr: cavill won't sexually abuse women so this woman had to make up a rumor about him being "mean" cool_boy_mew likes this. -
Shadowman311 ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:55:05 JST Shadowman311
@coolboymew @guy The showrunner and all but one of the writers hated it. It's because after gamergate most Hollywood writers (there aren't that many of them) got together and essentially promised to ruin any property that was cherished by "nerds" and gamers, including LOTR and the Witcher. I'd imagine they are probably having group struggle sessions and panic attacks over the realization that 40k is now essentially out of their grasp since Cavil is in charge of hiring the writing staff. cool_boy_mew and Kenny Blankenship like this. -
CrunkLord420 ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:57:29 JST CrunkLord420
@coolboymew proof that "Gamer" is a valid political ideology. cool_boy_mew likes this. -
Freddie The Fed:gondola_head::real_gun_r::verified: ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:57:53 JST Freddie The Fed:gondola_head::real_gun_r::verified:
@coolboymew That e-rag is full of holes.
cool_boy_mew likes this. -
Lumeinshin 3rd impact :asukaPout: ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 07:59:34 JST Lumeinshin 3rd impact :asukaPout:
@crunklord420 @coolboymew
an eternally relevant imagecool_boy_mew likes this. -
VooDoo ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 08:57:40 JST VooDoo
@coolboymew imagine being in a Elden ring lobby and you hear Cavill screaming down the mic "You fucking normie this is why you'll never be superman"
cool_boy_mew likes this. -
BSD/r000t ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 08:58:11 JST BSD/r000t
Netflix didn't get the fucking memo
@guy @coolboymewcool_boy_mew likes this. -
Pride of Utopia ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 08:58:29 JST Pride of Utopia
@Shadowman311 @coolboymew @guy Emailing Henry the Black Templars vs. Iron Warriors Crusade Campaign I wrote cool_boy_mew likes this. -
:cornbread_going_goblin_mode: Elfie :nafo: ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 09:22:34 JST :cornbread_going_goblin_mode: Elfie :nafo:
@coolboymew maybe he found out the cast was white? :02_laugh2: cool_boy_mew likes this. -
𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘪𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘮 ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 22:21:06 JST 𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘪𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘮
@coolboymew I've seen that image doing the rounds on /tv/ for a couple of days now and I'm pretty sure the quote about Cavill's behaviour is all someone's schizo headcanon. cool_boy_mew likes this. -
cool_boy_mew ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 22:24:42 JST cool_boy_mew
@SADIDAS it's from a podcast and I'm 120% sure it's shitlibs due to the transcript heavily focusing on women. The 2016 feminism shit really never ended. Remember, if a woman or a "POC" is being disrespected for any reason, it's 100% misogyny/racism, it absolutely cannot be anything else. It cannot be the fact that they're fucking retard that doesn't actually deserves any respect and has been put on a franchise that they loathe (which is a fact that's been long known) -
𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘪𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘮 ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 22:43:53 JST 𝘝𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘪𝘪𝘤𝘭𝘺𝘴𝘮
@coolboymew I know the text is allegedly a transcript from a podcast but is there any evidence at all to suggest that the comments came from someone who actually worked on the show and had access to Cavill on a daily basis? There are a suspicious amount of buzzwords in the text which leads me to suggest that it's probably a completely fabricated report from an "anonymous source" that conveniently can't be verified in any way. cool_boy_mew likes this. -
cool_boy_mew ('s status on Wednesday, 21-Dec-2022 22:47:11 JST cool_boy_mew
@SADIDAS it's shitlibs, it's likely
Remember that """article""" about the science field that ended with "We don't need Gamergate on Mars". That whole thing was a writing disaster, it ran with the assumption that the entire field was sexist and gave 0 arguments, proof of it whatsoever, you just had to run with it somehow