>Rome, Jan. 27 - In today's day the issue concerning the danger of anti-Semitism in Europe is raging on all the front pages of newspapers. An issue that has been bandied about for years as absolutely primary but which in reality is not reflected in reality. Following this line, yesterday the League [Lega, part of the center-right coalition in power in Italy] proposed a new bill to combat all those demonstrations or initiatives that would embody anti-Semitic sentiment. This is the priority expressed by Matteo Salvini's party, which also stressed that the State of Israel, which daily claims innocent victims in Palestine, is a "bastion of democracy and freedom."
>The bill brought forward by the Carroccio provides that the denial, pursuant to Article 18 of the Consolidated Law on Public Security (Tulps), of authorization for a public meeting or demonstration on moral grounds can also be justified in the case of an assessment of serious potential risk for the use of symbols, slogans, messages and any act considered anti-Semitic. On the very occasion of Holocaust Memorial Day, Minister Salvini relaunched the proposal on his social channels: "A new wave of anti-Semitism has spread in Europe: the League has countered it and will counter it in every way. Yesterday's is our ddl, presented thanks to the help of the Union of Italy-Israel Associations, to concretely adopt in our country the measures against anti-Semitism and its definition in all its forms, as provided for by the IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance)."
I think it's all very self-explicative, right-wing controlled opposition as usual.