@Terry what is the Chinese government doing? Oppressing the heckin' Uyghurs? Being the world's biggest pharmaceutical exporter for Mexicans to then divert into illicit fentanyl dealing that they'd do regardless of the source? "Stealing" technology that's actually not stolen but shared as a part of the contract for the tech to be manufactured in China?
Every claim about China doing something bad is bullshit and if you get in on it, I'm sorry but you're a kike and should probably get the shit kicked out of you.
@PonyPanda@Terry Chinese will just take the money for everything you want made. Cheap electronics? Sure. Glock automatic kit? Sure. A refugee camp? Sure. Infinity supply of Fent? Sure!
@MechaSilvio@Terry except they're not. After the APEC summit they came to some sort of agreement to help quell the fent crisis even though it's not their problem.
People have this idea in their heads that the Chinese only care about money and that's utter bullshit. But... I suspect it's just because the Chinese are still very alien and most don't know the Chinese and only have the ZOG drawn evil caricature in their heads or the ambient anti-Chinese sentiment that pervades all the goyslop media.
This is a good example of somebody who just takes "China bad" as a give and is corrected by somebody in the know that's actually dealt with the Chinese.
@PonyPanda@Terry Pure pragmatism. Once it becomes a political problem for Chinese gov, they tell the companies making it and the organized crime distributing it to cut it off. They're not obsessed about making another population addicted to opioids like the Judeo-Anglo empire was about them. But if their enemy gov wants to allow and encourage addiction in their own population, Chinese gov was willing to ignore and allow profits