@Moon @lanodan
There was a meme with some youtuber called Louis Le Vau, dude enjoyed some VN but he said he couldn't get into Nekopara because the universe is really weird. Basically in universe you have these catgirls who are kind of like retarded humans, have to be trained officially and get a certification just to be able to go outside alone and even work in some case, but you're also legally allowed to fuck them and marry them, which was dubious morality lmao
But yeah, it's basically an H doujin series, turned into eroge VN (that also has all ages versions) and turned into a not terribly ecchi OVA and anime series
The premise is just kind of stupid and not fully thought out and you're not really meant to dissect it :shrugz:
@coolboymew @Moon @lanodan Louis Le Vau was great, I wonder what happened to that dude
He said ennwerd with a hard R CONSTANTLY and never got banned
@monsterislandcolonizer @lanodan @Moon I can't believe he got away with it
But I imagine his channel was starting to finally get struck and in the end, he got a better job and he never got really popular, so it was probably time to stop as he was running out of content anyways and started constantly saying the same things and going through police recording was really playing with fire on youtube