I've been playing around with ChatGPT, trying to figure out if it can write some simple GTK4 code. It instead wrote invalid GTK3 code. I tried to hint that it made a large mistake, and it kept writing the same program again and again. Finally I dropped a hint that got it to recognize that its code was invalid GTK4, so it made up a brand new function to replace the GTK3 functions it was using :D
Chris 🌱 (brainblasted@jade.moe)'s status on Friday, 03-Feb-2023 06:51:05 JST Chris 🌱 - alcinnz repeated this.
Chris 🌱 (brainblasted@jade.moe)'s status on Friday, 03-Feb-2023 06:57:15 JST Chris 🌱 ChatGPT kicked me out for finally correcting it :o