I didn't say not see color. I said don't let it get to you. People in America are going to be dealing with a lot of Mexicans soon, and the truth is they're a mixed bag. If you refuse to sort the good from the bad in this context and assume all are juts innocent economic refugees who want a job (leftards) or assume all are just cartellos who want to rape your wife (Trumptards) you're fucked. I live in a region of the planet where my kids are likely going to need to learn both English and Spanish to make it and if I ever let them play outside they're going to be dealing with kids named things like Paco and Maria on the regular. If I could close the Mexican-American border and kick them all out I would, but I can't, so I have to deal with that for what it is.
And frankly, teaching my kids to jump up and down and scream about spics/illegals is probably going to fuck their lives up. Instead, I'm going to have to train them to get vicious when they're treated poorly for being White but otherwise be accepting of people from whereverthefuckistan insofar as they don't do this to them.