little productivity thing for linux that i would like: terminal integration of the XDG (?) "Recent" folder. make it an actual Folder ~/Recent with links to the files, or a FUSE fs. i often have to integrate console and desktop tools and this would make it less painful.
also would be nice to have a little more mouse interactivity integration in terminals. when i type `ls`, give me an icon next to each result that has a context menu or lets me drag that file handle to another app, or copy the path / open with. i.e. make a hybrid of file explorer and terminal.
a DE on linux could really embrace and amplify the fact that linux people have to use the terminal a lot. instead of trying to hide that and emulate windows or mac os, integrate this duality really well.
@mntmn And i have `xdg-open` aliased to `open`. Which is one of my most used shortcuts. Any file i want to touch graphically is just a `open image.jpg` away.
Also really handy is to do `open .` to open the current folder in your file manager.
@mntmn You should look at midnight commander `mc`.
While not drag and drop, it is a more hybrid version of a file explorer and terminal. I have long thought of experimenting with a more modern take on the Norton Commander layout.
@soupglasses the latter is really interesting. i have a feeling that xdg mimetypes are constantly messed up. so a replacement that you can only set up explicitly/where explicit manual rules have priority would be nice.
@mntmn I have also created a `l` shortcut to print directories and pager print files for me.
I have also had the thought to create an `edit` shortcut that could open a wide variety of files for editing explicitly (nvim, gimp, audacity, etc). This however im uncertain if XDG can handle, and would require my own lookup table for mimetypes. :revblobfoxread:
@mntmn There is an escape sequence to mark a region as a hyperlink. `ls --hyperlink=auto` emits it and VTE-based terminals (and surely others) can consume it. Ctrl+clicking any of the dotted-underlined filenames in this screenshot opens that file in the Graphviz viewer I have installed.