Artix, you fucked up.
In a Live USB session to install it on a laptop intended to be sold.
I need to install mate-layouts, which is only available in the AUR.
So I try to install yay, but yay is not available in official repositories, so I install trizen instead.
So now I try to use trizen to install yay and then remove trizen again.
However, "trizen -S yay" invokes "Cannot do 'initialize' in Term::ReadLine::Gnu at /usr/bin/trizen line 724.".
So you download yay from Github.
In order to be able to download it, you need to install git and base-devel.
Doing so upgrades pacman before upgrading libcrypto, and now pacman broke.
Guess I should sell this laptop with GhostBSD or Devuan instead then.
Should probably go with Devuan, because buyer will most likely want to install trashware like Zoom, Discuck, Steam, and so on, none of which are available on BSD.
For the purpose of selling, I'd definitely pick Devuan over Artix. Though realistically, whoever buys it will probably just install Windows on it anyway.
Not sure, there are people actively looking for a pre-configured Linux PC.
And those who want to buy a Linux laptop for the purpose of installing Windblows will probably not even know how to do that anyway.