faggot news network has multiple entries of KamiKatsu as worst animu, vindicating my taste once again.
Kamikatsu is about the biggest reason to window shop the current season rather than revert to the backlog (I should get to the backlog still.)
cc @coolboymew
victory is ours
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@boloros Of course ANN complains about KamiKatsu, with the usual complaints you'd expect to see. And of course someone had to virtue signal about Kenshin. I fucking hate these people
Kamikatsu is legitimately one of the "best" disaster I've ever seen. The director is new and was the wildest use of budget I've ever seen. It also helped that it was THIS series, which basically goes from interesting to shitposting and flipflops like this constantly
Even despite the budget constraints, they made a super explainy episode have interesting visuals and background gags
Sasuga Director-san, hopefully you get to direct something else
@coolboymew here's to more Good anime that makes infiltrators uncomfortable.
kaminaki siluril's_delusion.jpeg
kaminaki heaven.jpeg
@coolboymew it was delightful how it flipflopped between shitposting and real shit, after the pretty good intro episodes you knew you were on a ride each time.
>great, cute goddess character
>run her like a horse
>show a bunch other characters while you abuse her
>still didn't feel like wasted potential at all
Good shit.
@coolboymew @boloros >ANN denying love to this cute goddess and best romp of the year
Shamfur dispray!
@boloros @coolboymew Yuki Inaba spent all the budget he received on the god-tier voice talent and voice direction and it shows he knew how to use the little he received.
>Rie Takahashi as Dakini :cum:
>Ami Koshimizu as Gaia :cum:
>Aoi Yuuki being a cute autist archon :cum:
>Shou Fujisawa being the most desperately thirsty man in all of animedom
@boloros @coolboymew I.just rememberer I am supposed to watch this one, for reasons explained in another thread