@ceo_of_monoeye_dating Came across an article from 2020 >https://probablydance.com/2020/01/29/why-video-game-ai-does-not-use-machine-learning/ points 2 and 3 already worry me, and given the advice I’ve gotten from others that work in the field from this thread, it’s looking like less and less of a good idea to go through with AI. I would be interested to know if this has changed in 3 years, so if you know anything please let me know.
In the meantime, even if I can get around computational issues you still have issues with needing new models for everything.
It would certainly be interesting to see if making the bot “observational” changed anything, but we’re still talking issues that have yet to be addressed.
The more I read into it the more I change my mind.