@tyler @dcc
They are always bangers, sometime it's in the car too, just whenever I can teach and radicalize these kiddos with KJV christianity, including young earth christianity and creationism. Gotta make sure these kids get a REAL understanding of the past and view on wars, history, God, society, culture. Last thing I want is them getting pozzed by the American society <insert current year> kool aid.
@charlie_root @tyler >radicalize
Not the word i would use :mel_laugh:
@charlie_root @tyler Strong men* wound be a better word.
@dcc @tyler
You're not OP so that's obvious. Yes I want them to be radical, not pussies
“That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;” Ephesians 4:14 KJV
@charlie_root @tyler Strong men are radical? standing true to belief makes more sense tbh.
@dcc @tyler
Strong men are radical, sorry that society pozzed the word "radical"
Used to be a cool ninja turtle word. Probably another Jewish psyop against the Ninja Turtles radicalizing white boys for total kike and nigger death. Makes sense...