she's coming
Nyaru's coming
@Meemoo I can't believe they're unleashing her again
@Kyonko802 KMR got tired of using her Princess form
he wants Yukata instead
@kamehamic damage cap has always been a thing in priconne. we haven't started hitting it until 3 years in because of Nyaru. recently we got more damage by using chars that do multiple instances of damage. this cap increase makes it so chars that do 1 instance can be relevant too
@Meemoo I don't like the damage cap meta, PAD is at the 32bit (2~Billion) cap + some skill workarounds to bypass that, I hope they remove it soon, basically every card now does the cap and the dungeons are build around that which is meh. Specially if you are an old player, because this wasn't an issue until recently. It feels artifical+gimmicky.