@ooignignoktoo @Arkana I remember being bewildered at my friends arguing about the card rules for hours on end, they couldn't finish a fucking game
@coolboymew @ooignignoktoo I ended up getting the Pokemon gameboy TCG and that's mostly what I actually played. My friends played the pokemon card game with me a bit, but I preferred playing yugioh and bought a bunch of the GBA games of that
@Arkana @ooignignoktoo apparently the yu-gi-oh meta is vastly different and I remember hearing about a magic youtuber or something being extremely pleased by how the pokemon TCG is currently because magic is a fucking shitshow
@coolboymew @ooignignoktoo Yeah with the pokemon TCG they actually keep supporting really well. I never played magic outside of the digital versions meanwhile they print cards like this and Doctor Who now
@Arkana @ooignignoktoo @coolboymew They have, at least, ostensibly put all the crossover shit in a different line, but not in any meaningful way, and the cards are still grossly overpowered.
I had an interesting proposal from someone who doesn't care about Magic but just wanted to play the rangz kangz set. I don't want to buy any of the cards for it though, but actually I wouldn't mind playing that. I can treat it as a completely separate game that happens to use the same engine.