@TASOWN TL;DR he's a confirmed jew, his dad is a doctor who promotes trannyism and donates thousands of dollars to his local synagogue.
A close friend of Tony Hovator, Mike and Tony denied for years that he was jewish.
@Leaflord @Terry @TASOWN True, but he wasn't fully redpilled on the JQ for a long time; they've all said the podcast name was a funny edgy meme, and really came into its own after the fact. Remember that they started out as racist libertarians, not Nazis. And even guys in mixed marriages usually don't get divorced even once they learn the relevant facts. I can't hold any of the stuff with his wife against him, honestly.
@Leaflord @Terry @TASOWN He divorced her in 2017 tho
You don't just accidentally marry a jewess my nigga.
Everyone called me a blackpilled kikejacketer doomer divider when I said NJP's command structure is probably full of kikes based on their leader's wife being a B'nai Brith kike.
And now... Lo! Kikes hiding in every corner.
Fair, but the wisest move is to disqualify them just to be safe. Potential ziohazards often turn to actually be ziohazards in the end.