WELP, so I'm trying to get chat gpt write me code to read a csv file, sort the data with python and then create a pdf document to display said data.
AND much like a BOOMER, it can't seem to figure out how to format a pdf.
Goddamnit, I guess I need to manually do it now lol.
@Tony Why wouldn't you just do it manually in the first place?
world/python-pdfrw 0.4-8
Convert restructured text to PDF via reportlab.
world/python-pikepdf 8.8.0-1
Read and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
world/python-pymupdf 1.23.7-1
Python bindings for MuPDF's rendering library
world/python-reportlab 3.6.12-3
A proven industry-strength PDF generating solution
@Tony (And, of course, loading and parsing a csv file is like one line: data=[n.split(',') for n in open('dat.csv').split('\n')].)
Because I'm tired and don't want to think very hard right now lol. And im a noob with python.
@Tony (*And sorting it: data=sorted(data,key=lambda x:f'{x[0]} {x[1]}').)
The code it spits out is always shit and you gotta spend 15 min debugging it and cleaning it up if you want to use it more than once
@djsumdog @Tony If you only want to use it once it's only 10 minutes.
Yah, I've found this to be true. I feel like I'm training it like 70% of the time.
It's also wrong A LOT.
@Tony @Zerglingman Love snake's! Pythons can be like house cats!
@UnityOstara @Tony Snek wife
@Tony @UnityOstara #snekwife
@Tony @Zerglingman My metal music friends had a python named Abby. She totally thought she was a cat.
@UnityOstara @Tony I want to meet these friends.
yah, spreadsheets use inline code so it goes much faster. You can sort it in like 30 seconds and then make graphs.
I just wanted to learn something new and do it the hard way and make my own spread sheet.
The down sides with spreadsheets is that I can't automate it (I guess i could with macros) but idk, I wanted to try it with python.
@Tony lrn2excel noob
I'll manually check everything, and I have an accountant to check after me. the only thing im looking for is for it to take my csv bank statement and lump all the gas station charges into one number, all the paint purchases, ect.
I thought quickbooks could do this, but for $90/month it started counting account transfers as income and messed everything up. I spent like 3 hours trying to fix it and had to start manually adjusting everything so I pulled a rage quit.
I can do this with google sheets too, but I figure it's a good chance to learn something.
@Tony yeah, doesn't that sound like what youd usually use a spreadsheet for?
@Tony you better be thorough in double checking that shit, i would NOT trust fucking chatgpt with what i give to the irs
oh, that's actually a good idea. Lol I'm trying to write a program to do my taxes for me because Quickbooks can suck my dick.
So, i just need it to sort a table and add some numbers.
@Tony i've noticed its pretty good at webpages. maybe try telling it to generate the html to display it, specifiy to keep it minimal or whatever, and then just convert that to a pdf? (even if its just ctrl+p print to pdf lol)
that's a little sus tbh. snakes are not cats lol
@Zerglingman @Tony When I told my landlord in illinois about pets. I mentioned getting a boa. "No pets!"
@Tony @Zerglingman Tell that to Abby. She liked to cuddle. I know it's weird but if I'm lying I'm dying!