Just what I wanted for Christmas, thanks Santa! A few more of these and I'll officially be a manlet.
@Darbzilla At least finally solved the mystery of how Leprechauns are created, you just continually shatter the backs of the Irish until they shrink a few feet.
@BeefSupreme They put me on Xtampza ER and Dilaudid.
@Jim Goddamn, severe back pain, they pump you full of Oxi/Fenti for that. Don't you do a Matthew Perry on us Jim!
@Jim @BeefSupreme Is the vertebrae fracturings a side effect of all steroids they had you taking ?
Or was it always a problem
@suejohnson_ @BeefSupreme Hard to say, I believe the steroids exacerbated an already existing condition. I've been getting more family history as the doctors work on figuring this out and my mother, grandmother, and sister all had osteopenia which I probably was dealing with but the steroids pushed it full on into osteoporosis. A lot of other common conditions/symptoms too like high blood pressure, enlarged aorta, heart problems but it seems to be to a lesser extent than what I've been going through so who knows.
@MitchDigger @suejohnson_ @BeefSupreme No, not really. Been pretty happy with my life and did the things that interested me along the way. I don't have some huge bucket list or anything, just a few small things that I would've enjoyed if given the chance; I always wanted to go on an extended cross-continent train trip in a classic style train.
@Jim @suejohnson_ @BeefSupreme I know you don't like to dwell on this shit but has it been hard to accept that this is most likely it? Any regrets or things you wish you had time to do, given you could walk normally?