fukon peice a gahbage
What 😡😦 the 🏋 fuck did 🏿 you 🏼🤞 just ☝ fucking 💎 say 🗣 about 😲💦 me, you 👈 little bitch? 🚺 I'll 💖 have 💴 you 👉💖 know 😮 I graduated 🎓 top 👆 of 💦 my class ⚠ in the 🔚💛 Navy Seals, and 👏 I've been 😏👑 involved in 💦👏 numerous secret 😱 raids 👤 on 🏽💰 Al-Quaeda, and 👨💰 I have 🅰👏 over 🔝 300 confirmed ✅ kills. I 👏👀 am trained 💪💪 in 👏💉 gorilla warfare and I'm 💰👧 the 👌 top 🔼 sniper in 📝 the 👏 entire US armed 🔫 forces. 🍆🍆 You are nothing to 💀💰 me but 🍑 just another 🤒 target. I will 👏 wipe 🤤🤤 you the fuck 😤 out with 😂 precision the 👏☝ likes 🏻 of 👉 which ✌❓ has 🈶 never 🚫💥 been seen 👀 before 🍆😂 on 🔛🏿 this 👉 Earth, 🌎👄 mark 🏼✌ my 👨 fucking words. 😢😵 You think you can 🔫🤖 get 👾😬 away 😂😝 with 🏼😲 saying that shit 👀 to 💦💦 me over ⤵⤵ the ☝😍 Internet? 💻💻 Think 🤔🤔 again, 🤤👓 fucker. 🍑 As we 🤔👨 speak 💬 I 👇😂 am contacting 📞 my 😣 secret network of 😎 spies across 💰👏 the USA 🤠➕ and 🤖👏 your 💼🔴 IP is 🐠 being 😑 traced 📈 right now ⏰😭 so ❗ you better 👎 prepare for the storm, 💦🌀 maggot. The 🎺👧 storm that 🚟 wipes out the ➡ pathetic 🖕😨 little 👌😖 thing you 😣 call 📞📞 your 👉🏻 life. 💓 You're fucking 👌 dead, 👻🤣 kid. I 💲 can 💦 be 🔹 anywhere, anytime, 👌➕ and 📗👏 I can 🅱🙅 kill 👻 you 😂 in 👈👆 over seven hundred ways, and 👏🤤 that's 👉🚟 just with 🐺 my 👏👨 bare hands. 😲🙊 Not 🤧 only 👀 am 👌 I 👧 extensively trained 🏫💪 in 🔫👏 unarmed combat, 🤼 but 🍑 I have 😏😝 access 🚪 to 🍆 the entire 🙌 arsenal of 👨 the United 👏 States Marine Corps 🎭 and 🅱😩 I 😃👁 will use it to ♂😤 its 👏🆗 full extent to wipe 🤤 your 💯 miserable ass 🍑 off 💦😝 the face 😀 of 😏 the 🏽🔍 continent, 👉👤 you little 👧🏽 shit. If ☝ only 🏻👀 you 👈 could have known what unholy retribution your 💦💦 little "clever" comment 🔰 was 👏 about to bring ➡ down ⬇ upon you, ❓ maybe you 🌠🐶 would 😎👪 have 😏 held 👏 your 👏👉 fucking 👉 tongue. 👅 But you couldn't, you 🍆 didn't, 😑😑 and now 👏 you're paying the price, 📈📈 you 🌝 goddamn idiot. 😂 I 👆 will 🔥👏 shit 👌👻 fury 😡😡 all over you 🏻👉 and 💦 you 👈😒 will 🙋🏼 drown in 🚪 it. 🍝 You're fucking 🎮 dead, 💦 kiddo. 💯👶