@Mr_NutterButter @matrix
>any major updates could affect the game so severely that it destroys their Cash cow.
havent they been doing anti-cosumer practices like forcing people to merge their accounts and those retarded blm messages that you can't skip when you startup the game?
last time i heard minecrafts influence was slowly decreasing due to such hamfisted actions
- matrix07012 :thotpatrol: likes this.
They should simply stop updating it and let the modding community take the helm. I remember back in the day playing Feed The Beast modpack and adding other worlds to game. The problem was Minecraft kept updating so much that modders would abandon the one version and move on to the next. Minecraft is at a good point now where if they just make a final update to make it easier for modders and left the game alone, the possibilities would be endless.
@rlier23 @Mr_NutterButter @matrix >anti-consumer
I'm pretty sure the "consumers" are the ones enjoying BLM banners.
@douse_niggers_in_gasoline_and_light_them_up @Mr_NutterButter @matrix just like the speedrunning scene minecraft wasn't always a faggot nest you know?
@rlier23 @Mr_NutterButter @matrix speedrunning was always for faggots, after all, faggots invented speedrunning rectal prolapse, they can't wait until they become weak and old, they need it now.