I've always been big into kissing and affection, foreplay, etc. So some women are actually not into this, which is funny.
If your a woman and you don't like kissing or foreplay, or just normal loving sensuality in general, you just might be a burnt out whore ngl...
@charlie_root baby-making sex is pretty great too though
Oh I know. I had two kiddos.
I'm just stuck in western society with it's... "women", vs wanting cutesty girly women from the east that would tongue kiss me to death because I'm a handsome gaijin.
Imagine knowing that western white women want black niggers over you, but Japanese women dream of meeting you. It's toturing honestly...
@charlie_root Japs mostly don't want foreigners though. Because obviously japs should marry japs and have jap babies.
@charlie_root @Zerglingman That just sounds the same but you being the nigger instead
Fake news, Japanese women fawn over white men, I have video evidence, even in a classic Sailor Moon episode she went full retard over an english pseaking blonde white man.
Granted they don't want the fat neckbeard weebs, but the tall good genes working class that gets treated like shit over here. I bet she would giggle if I said the the nigger word and grab my dick harder. Coudn't say the same for litteraly any womena here.
@charlie_root Reminder that "nigeru" doesn't just mean "run" (that's "hashiru"), but rather "flee", as in "run away". Because when you see a nigger, you should run away.
jews are salty af over anyone liking white people lmao, they're already quoasting you over this. Cope
@Zerglingman @charlie_root That's just part of the package.
@Senator_Armstrong @Zerglingman
Could I get a link, not getting any notifications about qoutes of this post?
@charlie_root @Senator_Armstrong Search for post URL.
@Senator_Armstrong @charlie_root *this may not work on your client. It does on thedesk.
@charlie_root @Zerglingman @Dicer basically called you an incel
@Senator_Armstrong @Dicer @charlie_root (Also reminder that quote posts are faggot behaviour.)
@Senator_Armstrong @Zerglingman @Dicer
Some burnt out whore and/or her cuck husband called me an INCEL???
Can I atleast get a @username so I can call them a nigger?
@charlie_root @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong You just did.
@charlie_root @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong @11112011 screenshotting posts to achieve the same result is gigafaggot behaviour btw
@Zerglingman @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong
Based, I can't see it on my end. It's like blind shitposting.
I can't see shit, but you're still a cuck nigger. Imagine getting mad over a man longing for kissing and affection from a woman. Just imagine the jewery and niggerdom....
@Zerglingman @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong @charlie_root quoted
Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 10-16-35 Free Speech Extremist.png
@Dicer @Zerglingman
Fuck off dicer, you're ovbious the wierdo TERF in the convo, make sure to put on your pink pussy hat and march for wahmens rights nigger.
literally all it takes to bait retard jews is to be kind toward whites. Like that's it. They cannot resist counter signaling it impulsively.
@Senator_Armstrong @Zerglingman @Dicer
I still want to know why you're all covering for this kike nigger and not giving me a @username to flame...
@charlie_root @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong He already did.
@Zerglingman @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong
Wait it was just dicer? Wtf, I was expecting some blocked masto nigger or spinster bitch. Damn... a poast user did me like this, I'm shocked, hurt, not really, but...
they can't even see my posts dude I'm blacklisted off poast domain for calling graf a cringe groomer. Nobody's covering for anyone. I already gave you the username just read my posts on this thread.
@Senator_Armstrong @Zerglingman @Dicer
Sorry I figured it out alread, didn't realize there were feminist cuckoids on poast, they literally hide in plain sight its frustrating to say the least.
yeah they all use anime girl profiles as men because they're so heterosexual lmao, sure
@Senator_Armstrong @Dicer @charlie_root Hey man., anime girls are cute.
they're cute when they act like women. Hyper political gatekeeping is not female behavior.
@Senator_Armstrong @Dicer @charlie_root Yeah, exactly. I just want a cute wife.
@charlie_root @Senator_Armstrong @Dicer @Zerglingman u never listen poast gay bro
@11112011 @Zerglingman @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong
I got rolled for saying that I want to kiss upon and love women. Apparently. But then guy's trying to make it a macho thing, bet. I'm a former horse trainer, ranch worker that is working in the busiest Italian restaurant in town during holidays. I don't want to her about tough guy dick constests. I want a cute girl to kiss, and if you have a problem with that YOU ARE A FAGGOT and I will stab you, I have many knives.
@charlie_root @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong @Zerglingman incels pretending they based while best they do is lolifapping
@11112011 @Zerglingman @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong
Usually I'm on their side, but tonight they are kinda making fools of themselves...
@11112011 @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong @Zerglingman
Probably Dicer is a youngin that just got a first taste of good young pussy, is living his best life. Get back with me in 10/15 years son lol...
And most them seeth more than the LGBTQ community when making fun of their dumb ideas and gross fetish.
Unrelated picture below...
@NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @11112011 @Zerglingman @Dicer those damn incels and their quest against nazis. Imagine hating God's most beautiful and intelligent race? Peak incel behavior.
it kinda does lol
@NonPlayableClown @charlie_root @Zerglingman @Dicer @Senator_Armstrong its comon knowledge poasties born in cameroon