@by_caballero Yes, I know about snaps, but over the past few years I became increasingly disappointed about MetaMask. Today I rarely use it myself, and try to warn other people about its flaws:
- MetaMask covertly switched its license to proprietary. There was no announcement and almost no one in the community noticed that. I learned about that only long time after the fact.
- It contains trackers, and it's not possible to disable them completely. If you opt out of Metametrics, the Sentry tracker remains active and constantly sends data to their servers.
- Even if you block trackers, MetaMask leaks a lot of sensitive information. During its normal functioning it makes requests to 3-5 domains belonging to different organizations. Each request contains unique browser extension ID and reveals your IP address if you don't use Tor. This information can be linked to on-chain activity.
- When MetaMask updates token balances, it makes single JSON-RPC request containing all your account addresses. So the API provider can link your different addresses together, even if you remove/block every other leak. This defeats all attempts to hide links between accounts with TornadoCash or Aztec.
I simply can't recommend such tool to my users, many of whom are concerned about online privacy. There needs to be an alternative.