Turbo Pascal turns 40. who here remembers this one?
nixCraft 🐧 (nixcraft@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 11:29:46 JST nixCraft 🐧
Ray Hayes (rayhayes@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 11:45:06 JST Ray Hayes
@nixCraft Took Pascal at BU and used this as well as other Borland products.
𝕊ℍ𝔸𝕆𝕊 (shaos@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 12:38:10 JST 𝕊ℍ𝔸𝕆𝕊
@nixCraft Used TP5.5 (I think) since September 1990 until about 1992 in first couple years of my university then switched to C/C++ (Turbo-C then Borland-C++ then Watcom-C/C++ then Visual-C++ then GCC)
Ben Foote (benpocalypse@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 12:41:51 JST Ben Foote
@nixCraft I wrote my first game ever in Turbo Pascal. I mixed in some asm routines for the graphics, and my high school teacher for the class was blown away. I wish I still had the source...
Oliver Schönrock (oschonrock@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 12:51:42 JST Oliver Schönrock
A lot of us in the EEE undergrad escape from the FORTRAN 77 on VAX which was compulsory onto Turbo Pascal.
I recall compilation times were insanely fast. Often felt "instant". Even on my modest 8Mhz 8088 PC.
rexi (rexi@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 13:22:29 JST rexi
I got a shiver down my spine when I saw this toot. dates me, I s'pose -
🎃 Robert Spooky Cadena 👻 (robertcadena@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 13:35:34 JST 🎃 Robert Spooky Cadena 👻
@nixCraft :blobaww:
Zeki Çatav 🤔 ☕ 🕯️🎶 (catavz@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 15:40:01 JST Zeki Çatav 🤔 ☕ 🕯️🎶
@nixCraft Another of the values bought and destroyed by Borland.
Daniel (helmet91@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 15:47:55 JST Daniel
@nixCraft We used it in high school!
...in 2010. (No, not just as an interesting artefact from the past. That was the tool we used for programming.)
Björn Brembs (brembs@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 15:51:19 JST Björn Brembs
Was still running it until a few years ago. Started in the late 1980s... -
Christian Gudrian (cgudrian@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 15:52:32 JST Christian Gudrian
@nixCraft During my studies in the late 1990s I developed a control software for a robotic hand using Turbo Pascal targeting an embedded system (https://www.sorcus.com/en/products/modular-4-cards/modular-4486-ml8.html).
Taffy Blindside (taffyblindside@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 16:03:29 JST Taffy Blindside
KrisBuytaert (krisbuytaert@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 16:51:18 JST KrisBuytaert
@nixCraft Basic, Pascal, then you switched to procedure asm :)
Tadeo D'Oria 🇦🇷 💚🧡 (rekkert@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 16:51:39 JST Tadeo D'Oria 🇦🇷 💚🧡
@nixCraft Learnt to program with it on high school around 2010, still one of the simplest languages to learn with if you ask me
Peter N Lewis (peternlewis@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 17:21:27 JST Peter N Lewis
@nixCraft Good times. I once wrote a program called CON.PAS and pressed the key to save, compile and run (was it F5?). Sadly CON: was the console device, so it spewed my program to the screen, spewed the compiled code to the screen, and promptly crashed hard.
Emilio Pavia (emix@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 17:38:28 JST Emilio Pavia
@nixCraft 🙋🏻♂️learnt at high school
Vladimir Savić (firusvg@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 18:07:16 JST Vladimir Savić
@nixCraft Hell, I remember (actually, have a very fond memories of TP3.0, first version I've used on PC)
Stefan Scholl (stefan_s_from_h@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 18:16:46 JST Stefan Scholl
@nixCraft while everybody bought IBM compatible PCs (and I had an Amiga), my school bought a few Apple IIe with a Z80 card and CP/M. We then learned Turbo Pascal on these machines. (I already knew a few languages, including C.)
MegatronicThronBanks (megatronicthronbanks@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 18:36:51 JST MegatronicThronBanks
@nixCraft Greatest boost to programming ever
Ivan Sukin (ajiiaiti@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 18:53:19 JST Ivan Sukin
@nixCraft still one of the best development environments
ErwinHoogzaad (erwinhoogzaad@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 19:06:59 JST ErwinHoogzaad
@nixCraft used it to write CP/M programs on a Z80 based BigBoard computer. Wrote some part inventory program with the accompanying database software while drafted in the Dutch army. Ported with ease to the original IBM XT in 1987. Text or graphic display was a compile time choice. Sources lost in time 🤷♀️
stefano_butera (stefano_butera@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 19:35:00 JST stefano_butera
@nixCraft Oh, I remember. I spent my early teen years on it, so many memories
Dean Baguette (dean_baguette@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 19:46:35 JST Dean Baguette
@nixCraft Everone who hit puberty in the 80's, who wanted something spiffier than Basic, but couldn't afford a C compiler.
List price for TP was $50; the license to let you distrubute birnaries was an extra $100. For people who wanted to write shareware, TP was an incredibly small initial investment.
in_sympathy (in_sympathy@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 20:12:45 JST in_sympathy
@nixCraft hated it at school tbh in comparison to Quick and especially modern back in a day Visual Basic 6.0 🤣
selje 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇮🇪 (selje@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 20:32:03 JST selje 🇺🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴 🇮🇪
Looks like the old Borland compiler on windows? -
Pjotr Prins (pjotrprins@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 21:16:10 JST Pjotr Prins
@nixCraft I have been mentioning Turbo Pascal in recent talks: why do I have to wait for a C++ or Rust compiler building today when we got immediate results in the 80s? I don't want to be waiting for a compiler prompt today. Zig is today's Turbo Pascal. It is a pleasantly fast and modern compiler. #zig
Geoffairey (geoffairey@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 22:14:55 JST Geoffairey
@nixCraft yes, loved it.
Randy Tayler (randytayler@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 22:22:20 JST Randy Tayler
@nixCraft I was a TA in college for the intro programming class, which used turbo Pascal.
Alex 🎲🦙💗 (alexlama@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 22:48:42 JST Alex 🎲🦙💗
@nixCraft had to learn it in school - 2009. I remember nothing about it :O
Chuck O'Rourke:verified: (chuck_orourke@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 01-Dec-2023 23:55:01 JST Chuck O'Rourke:verified:
Dan Bornstein (danfuzz@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 01:46:18 JST Dan Bornstein
@nixCraft My first paid professional work was written in/with Turbo Pascal.
Octavio (ocfountains@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 01:49:57 JST Octavio
@nixCraft Nope. But I sure do remember Turbo Basic (Borland, right?). It looked pretty much the same as your screenshot.
Those were the days!
Danny Whitt (drwhitt@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 03:32:33 JST Danny Whitt
@nixCraft I used Turbo Pascal throughout my junior and senior years for my college CS degree and, also, was used for my very first job immediately following graduation. Then, very next project at my next job was to convert MSC to Turbo C. So, Borland indirectly contributed to the formative years of professional career as a software developer.
Giovanni Mascellani (giomasce@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 03:46:34 JST Giovanni Mascellani
@nixCraft How could I forget it... My mom knew programming just enough to show me a Hello world, but the fire lit by that spark never extinguished.
kranq (kranq@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 07:14:43 JST kranq
@nixCraft yep. Totally used this at skewl
Peter (pvdrijst@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 07:40:40 JST Peter
@nixCraft I might have an ever older copy on a floppy floppydisk.
Aad Schippers 🇪🇺 (aadschippers@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 08:26:14 JST Aad Schippers 🇪🇺
@nixCraft 🙋♂️
@reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman: (reiver@mastodon.social)'s status on Saturday, 02-Dec-2023 09:16:33 JST @reiver ⊼ (Charles) :batman:
Turbo Pascal was the 3rd programming language I learned.
adrian (asmtat@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 04-Dec-2023 17:39:34 JST adrian
@nixCraft I used it to do the math for several projects during university.
donkardos (donkardos@mastodon.social)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Dec-2023 18:20:22 JST donkardos
Alberto Gonzalez :mastodon: (agonzalez@mastodon.social)'s status on Friday, 08-Dec-2023 19:48:22 JST Alberto Gonzalez :mastodon:
@nixCraft I do 😔
archandha (archandha@mastodon.social)'s status on Monday, 11-Dec-2023 04:48:54 JST archandha
@nixCraft 40 makes me feel old 😊this was my 2nd language I learned right after Commodore Basic. Running TP on a CP/M computer was a giant leap coming from Commodore PET. Thank you for showing.