I was talking to someone about Job listings like that. They told me that they have to put up a public listing (at that is how it is in Australia), even if the Job is going to someone internally. So they put stupid requirements on the public listing to prevent people from applying.
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
@Awoo @coolboymew
>look government we can't hire anyone that meets our standards
>ok here's your H1B visa
>"plz saar redeem it on me saar! I do the java scripts!"
@Awoo @coolboymew
Yup, they also do this so they can get H1B / visa workers. This is how the poojeet infestation started in tech.
@Awoo @coolboymew Gotta love non-sense bureaucracy.
I often find myself asking what the point of it all is. When they just dance around their own rules and regulations.
@Awoo @coolboymew Call me lazy but I don't try to think about points when it comes to regulations, too many times it's just politicians own bullshit. And I'm not sure it matters, the end result is probably at least as broken as was the previous situation.
Saying at least as broken because, even with assuming recruiters change of opinion on seeing a resume which somehow would be a better fit than what they planned (and also assuming they would even read an application for a pre-filled position), the end result is a lot of spam in job listings.
That reminds me of the Job listing that required 10 years with some technology that had only been around for 4.
Same here in Norway. Most often they write some weird specific skill that only that one person in the whole wide world has knowledge in.
I saw once "Unreal Engine experience for exactly 3 years, 11 months, 2 days and 3 hours (minutes will be rounded up)".
@Marvelous7578 @Awoo wat
Yeah. In Norway (and most civilized countries) you are forced by law to hire the most capable person for the job. Having such a specific requirement makes it easy for the boss of a company to say "I hired my second cousin's son instead of that guy with a master's degree because he was qualified for all points, while the person with a master's degree had a few months too much experience with Unreal Engine".