My gearhead frens treat working on cars after or before work like some guys here treat tweaking out on Linux and computer shit. It's basically in the same realm of male hobby behavior.
Frankly I never found mechanics exciting, I always enjoyed woodworking, cooking, music, writing and art to be my thing. I even tried to learn a metal lathe and I couldn't get the hang of it, but I'm a natural and badass with a wood lathe.
It depends, if you can grow a full beard then let it. If you're patchy and scottish looking, then trim a nice goatee or mustache. I'm a goatee man because I have scottish/indian genetics that make me incapaple of growing a full beard.
I keep telling myself with my next car (I'm going to get a beater 90's or early 2000's toyota). That I'm going to get more serious and diciplined about car maintainence and light owner repairs.
The reason I want that range of cars is all my gearhead and mechanic frens tell me they are easy to repair. I believe it, because I helped a friend replace his spark plugs on a 90's Toyota truck and a moron like me figured it out and could reach everything. Replacing the sparkplugs on my Ford Windstar was a lovecraftian nightmare. That engine box is stuffed like a can of sardines and you literally have to disassemble a ton of shit just to even reach that stuff and 2 of the spark plugs are UNDER the engine. It's all so tiresome....
Mechanics has more learning curve before you get to a plateau where you can begin to express yourself creatively.
Woodworking, cooking, music, writing & art you can pretty much be expressing yourself immediately.
With mechanics, you need to accept your limitations, cut through grime and broken bolts to replace factory parts with factory parts. Only once you have done your time, then you begin to grasp exactly what the engineers who designed the car were thinking. THEN you can start to make it your own. That's what hot-rodding is.
The problem with the electronics is not exactly what you'd think. In a new car everything is locked down, but after about 10 years modders have cracked all of the systems and bypassed everything, so you want to go at least 10 years old.
Now on the point of sparkplugs in a Ford vs. a Toyota - Just don't buy a Ford. Ever.
Ford has a long and rich history of fucking over anyone who tries to repair their cars.
* With their diesel trucks you can't do practically anything on the engine without pulling the body off. * With their diesel engine, you can't replace A LIFTER without pulling the crankshaft. Yes, a lifter. It's because you can't replace them without pulling the cam, and the cam has a gear that is pressed on and can't be removed, and that gear can't make it past part of the crank, so you must remove the crank. * They had a 4.3 L v6 where the timing chain was on the BACK SIDE of the engine, so you have to do some incredible acrobatics in order to replace it. * Their 2000-2010ish 3 valve triton v8 had only a couple threads holding in the sparkplug in, so they would just randomly eject themselves out of the engine.
There are actually a lot of Ford mechanics out there, because Fords fail often, and they can charge highway robbery prices for repairing them because repairing a Ford is like a three week vacation in hell.