@olmitch @ins0mniak @PurpCat
> gluing their hands to the ground and all that stupid shit are part of a very specific psyop,
People might show up spontaneously, but someone is leaving the pallets of bricks there for them to throw.
What's wrong with signs in English in foreign protests? Creating a poor image of your government for the Western public is the only reasonable goal you can achieve by protesting in non-free countries.
I live in Russia and I can totally understand why protesters in e.g. Hong Kong have signs in English — because what else you can do? Vote for the opposition in the next election? :marseylaugh:
Whom are you addressing with signs in your native language, your compatriots? They are usually well informed about the issues and are either protesting with you or are afraid to do so and stay at home.
Not many in Russia understood the importance of having slogans in English so people in the US and Europe could understand what the protests are about, that's in part why Russia is an utter failure it is today. The only goal you can achieve by having your signs in Russian is going to jail :marseyshrug:
@ins0mniak @p @olmitch
@p @olmitch @PurpCat man, non of these things are grass roots
always someone footing the bill. like those left wing protests where they all have the same pre-printed signs with the same colors oand formatting.
@ins0mniak @p @olmitch or foreign protests with English language signs, that's my other favorite one
Like LGBT protests in Japan or Poland
@m0xEE @PurpCat @ins0mniak @olmitch
> Creating a poor image of your government for the Western public is the only reasonable goal you can achieve by protesting in non-free countries.
If you want to pressure a government in the Anglosphere, yeah. But I think the objection was not to making the signs in English but the likelihood of astroturfing given that the signs are in English.
> I can totally understand why protesters in e.g. Hong Kong have signs in English
Well, what's the US going to do about Hong Kong, really?