Based on the evidence and his history, I can't really agree. If he was self-serving, why would be fighting for right to repair, why would be host a repair wiki, fund open-source projects and provide grants to open and repair orgs and projects (ie. If he didn't care about software freedom, why would he announce, fund and release open source projects (ie. I'm just not seeing it.
You should absolutely do your own thing though, sure!
Don't be stupid. It's stealing about as much as walking out of the room during a commercial. He also points out that if there are consequences, you shouldn't be surprised... But then I doubt you bothered to watch before commenting.
@Dan_Ramos rossman has very little integrity in my view, to me he feels like every other slimeball from nyc. he holds genuine beliefs and stays true to them, to a fault. i dont know him, he just comes off as way too combative and a grandmaster diabolical politician who plays chess with the hearts and minds of those who adore him. he has a self serving agenda and cares literally zero about software freedom. he's a hardware guy after all, i am content to not fly under his ideological banner and do my own thing.
@Dan_Ramos futo uses look but don't touch software licenses which are akin to polio, we eradicated them from the ecosystem in the mid 2000s. bringing them back is not a good thing.