Bitcoin solves one: money if you're banned from banks or are doing illegal stuff or your financial system collapsed. Last year it was the truckers, and the year before it was Andrew Anglin/Josh/others (Nick Fuentes lied about being banned from banking lol). But it also needs computers/the internet to operate and that's it's kryptonite.
@PhenomX6@amerika@errante@bot@Moon >(Nick Fuentes lied about being banned from banking lol). He lied about how he got put on the no fly list too. When a flight attendant told him to wear a mask he literally said he would choke her to death.
Still not as sigma as United Flight 976 "During the flight, Finneran, a Wall Street investment banker, had been refused further alcoholic beverages when cabin crew determined he was intoxicated. After they thwarted his attempt to pour himself more, Finneran threatened one flight attendant with violence and attacked another one. He then went into the first-class compartment, which was also carrying Portuguese president Mário Soares and Argentinian foreign minister Guido di Tella and their security details. There, he climbed on a service trolley and defecated, using linen napkins to wipe himself, and later tracked and smeared his feces around the cabin.["
@PhenomX6@amerika@errante@bot@Moon IIRC he said "How about I cover your face until you can't breathe...?" which is like the most gay way to make that threat ever.