If I was skilled enough to pretend not to have a soul I could do very well for myself pretty quickly I think
@Leaflord @hidden I don't understand what it means to be connected to reality without having an active observer, it seems like an oxymoron
In a similar vein : it's how people think that meditation/prayer is sitting there and doing nothing for 10 hours when in reality it is supposed to be a moment of deep thought, contemplation, and introspection.
Hollywood and its consequences/hylics and their consequences.
@MercurialBuilding No it’s the most intimate possible experience of reality
@MercurialBuilding Immediate presence doesn’t have observation or critique it just involves being intimately connected to the world and lowering your barriers. What you describe sounds kinda like mindfulness, albeit grumpy mindfulness, which is good too, it’s important to develop yourself with observation sometimes, I agree.
@hidden I'd think anything without active observation is disassociation
@MercurialBuilding I don’t think that’s immediate presence, mostly because you’re not present. Just sounds dissociative
@hidden if you're defining 'immediate presence' as in 'actively observing what you're doing, living in the moment, commenting and critiquing how you're acting' then yeah that's soulful
Disassociation is easy, default, and soulless
@hidden fuck off no way I've been soulless until a few days ago
Immediate presence is selfish hedonism where you don't schedule anything because you don't trust your schedule, you stay up super late on the internet, and you're vaguely depressed and dont know why
@hidden It requires active effort for your soul to work, if you're in a state of mind where you only think about the immediate present, you're soulless
@MercurialBuilding ❌ immediate present is height of soul activity
@hidden It's easy just get no sleep drink a shitton of coffee and do the duties you have for the past few years then just repeat this a billion times, eventually you'll have no energy to use your soul
@MercurialBuilding I tried ))))):
The nature of reality, at its core, is paradoxical.
@Leaflord @hidden @MercurialBuilding says who
Love is... le bad
@hidden @Leaflord I suppose I can understand in theory being near someone you love and being real satisfied and connected without needing to be actively observing
Not sure if that's a good thing, though, to just be satisfied in the moment like that, I lack experience to comment
@MercurialBuilding @Leaflord Love is a good example yes, it takes your out of your head in the most profound way
Is that good? Yes my nigga it’s good frfrfr
@MercurialBuilding @Leaflord Are you more connected to someone when you look at them from a distance, or when you touch them up close? Observation is a lens, not wrong by any means, it’s useful. But it’s far from intimate. The dissociation you talk about is even further since you’re not even looking at the world like you are during observation, you were separate from it entirely.
@Leaflord @hidden Not love, but prioritizing happiness over observation