Signs the pig system wants to keep the Trump card on the table:
Removal of gag order
Failure of case to bar him from the ballot
Polls showing him beating Biden - all these polls are rigged, they're easing into normalizing the concept of Trump winning
@rein It's jew Team B. They're saner than the 'kill all Whites tranny pedo rights now' crowd, AKA jew Team A. Team B knows if we go, they go.
@judgedread They are moving towards slightly rolling back the fag stuff and might allow Trump to win the election because war is more important, and Biden has been a complete disaster on that front.
It's pretty obvious with the recruitment issues and the new ads.
There is a faction within the US government that wants more moderate degeneracy and would rather push back against the more radical elements. They're not based, just more pragmatic than the crazier people.