One Dutch out of four voted for this scum.
I guess that it's again rural-vs-urban, old-vs-young. More than half of the folks in Amsterdam, Utrecht and Groningen vote again and again for center-left parties, and again we lose to a countryside made of folks who are hostile to anyone who doesn't look like them. The productive centers of our economy and the generation currently at the peak of its productivity have basically lost political representativeness to the countryside and the elderly just because of demographics.
I'm tired of seeing my generation robbed again and again of its chance to elect a new, better political class. All because bashing the migrant and replacing solutions with scapegoats works well with the old, with the rural and with the uneducated, without requiring any further political skills or acumen. Say that you'll ban the Quran, kick Moroccans out of the country and make it hard even for EU migrants to come in, and who cares if you don't have a clue of how to tackle climate change, solve the housing crisis or the labour shortage. Angry people want scapegoats, not solutions.
I guess that the time has come for me to look at new destinations outside of here. This country deserves to lose all the skilled migrants that built its fortune, as well as all the less skilled migrants that make sure that keep things running.
I refuse to be amicable to anybody who gave their vote to #Wilders. I refuse to be amicable to someone who sees me as a series B citizen only because I wasn't born here. Me and those who vote for this scum don't even belong to the same species anymore.