@Eiswald@scenesbycolleen@coolboymew@mangeurdenuage i really want to get drunk and cook something again but mom said i can't :marseysob: last (and only) time i was drunk my head was spinning and i was trying to fry pierogis, so fun
@paula@scenesbycolleen@coolboymew@mangeurdenuage Since I don't drink at all I'd gladly volunteer to be your designated 'make sure she doesn't burn down the fucking house' guy because that sounds fun as fuck and might result in cookies, cake, or brownies. lol
@Eiswald@scenesbycolleen@coolboymew@mangeurdenuage someone to watch me over is very important cause i'm kinda stupid i actually got drunk from very little alcohol because i didn't eat anything all day and decided to drink while preparing dinner so yeah empty stomach, brutal (i didn't know it was bad) lucky me, my friends are good and made me drink lots of water, by the time they went home i was better