@rlier23 I think there’s some misunderstanding based on people using the same words to mean different things because of their different backgrounds. I don’t think this guy is repulsed by japanese media and only works to ruin it out of hatred for RWers. I think he genuinely likes anime, as in he sees anime and is interested in it and wants to engage with it, unlike airsoft or dog breeding or any other kind of hobby which he spends his days ignoring, this is what he likes. It’s just that leftists aren’t normal, and they don’t express their fondness in ways that normal people do. He enjoys anime by fixing it (subverting it) to make it even better (more leftist) for the improved enjoyment of everyone (other leftists). If he really liked airsoft or dog breeding he’d be spending his time arguing that the status quo in those hobbies is too reactionary and needs to be opened up to be more welcoming to people of all backgrounds, but he doesn’t, he likes anime, so this is what he does. The problem isn’t that the leftist hates anime, the problem is that he likes it.