So I cleaned up the lamp model and put in proper math so I could scale pieces of it a bit easier. I also fixed the shade panels a bit so they look closer to the final image. I actually plan for the shade to go around the frame but tbh I could trim the outside which would help hide seams and stuff anyway.
The power supply, a relay, a fan, and 2 microcontrollers will go inside along with wires to the LEDs and bookcase. I think my total power for the lamp and the book case is only about half of the total capacity of the PSU so I even have room to add more lights (possibly a wall panel)
@tyler when I first roughed this out only a few parameters were adjustable before everything for all stupid. Now I can change all kinds of things on the fly about how it looks which is really handy. I've used it for 3d printing but with woodworking it's more assembly. Eventually I'd like to take time to build some libraries to include things like joinery and edges
@niclas@tyler yes for me it's much easier to be precise and explain in code what I want than to try and draw it out. Making adjustments in the code is easier to recover from if incorrect which is a boost for a hamfister like me.
@niclas@tyler like a front page for openscad? I could see the appeal, but I fear the code it might generate. I kind of think that's where parameterizing your model can help a bit. You can't click and pull parts but you can make adjustments and see the changes applied fairly quickly.
I think I need to spend some time writing a few helpers to make wood working planning a little easier and just include them in my models. I have a bunch of stuff I used to make my 3d printing jobs easier, but a lot of that stuff is shaping an object that doesn't have to be made out of boards afterwards so you can break some rules that would normally apply in wood working. There were also some libraries I was using that were a little more general purpose so I may take a look at how they could be used in woodworking.
I think that a strong "object" concept in OpenSCAD could help with possibility to attach UI controls to such objects. Not sure how.
I relied a lot on which is for 3D printers and adjacent projects. It probably contains functions that are generic. Otherwise, hope you can find something similar.