- cool_boy_mew and :awoo_tired: shotgun snuggler :clownpiece_smug: like this.
Some sort of USB-hub type thing most likely.
@Awoo @SuperSnekFriend there's a single USB-C port in the deck, so yeah, it's a USB-C hub. You can connect keyboard, mouse, screen, anything (also via bluetooth) and it works just like a normal desktop
@Awoo I see a Steam Deck, a mechanical keyboard, an Wacom Cintiq all plugged in one glorious monstrosity into something I don't know. No wonder Nitori is mad.
What is that thing Kagerou pugged all that into. :akkoThonk:
@coolboymew @Awoo @SuperSnekFriend did that for 6 months after my computer broke to learn linux.
it convinced me not to switch to linux.
@Some_German_Guy @Awoo @SuperSnekFriend Steam Deck is not that good of an idea for a full desktop because when it updates it may delete everything except your user folder. So you're better install flatpacks and installing locally if you can. The rest of the stuff, from what I've seen, is not really locked out but it's not made for you to touch immediately (like the normal arch package manager) because anything you do with it will disappear