Priconne just replaced smart auto with set :kekw:
@weissrespecter @Ronnie21093 smart was added to prevent Anna from UBing until the end of the battle because her UB kills her, and it makes some healers UB when party is low.
But overtime healers got UB upgrades that add shields and buffs which means you always want to UB and Anna's 6* turned her into a UB spamming PVP unit which rendered smart auto useless so they replaced it with SET
SET as the name suggests sets all your chars so that they UB as soon as their bar is filled instead of setting them manually.
Btw priconne is built around skipping, u don't grind.
@Ronnie21093 @Meemoo Don't play but my guess is Smart Auto decides when to use your characters' abilities based on some in game algorithm while Set records your actions when you 3 starred the mission and replays them :shrug:
@Meemoo Why? And what does Smart/Set Auto do, anyway?
@weissrespecter @Ronnie21093 we do for very high end content like high rank clan battle and new dungeons
Former is extremely autistic
@Meemoo @Ronnie21093 Oh yes I forgot princess connect doesn't actually have gameplay outside of team formation
@Ronnie21093 @weissrespecter set activates UBs the very frame the TP bar is filled, while auto has to wait for characters to finish their animations. smart is the same as auto but only affects very very few characters
@Meemoo @weissrespecter Isn't the way SET works the same way Smart works now, or do I only think that because I don't use any unit that Smart would affect? :zt_think:
@weissrespecter @Ronnie21093 t. Autist