left-to-right Ready
right-to-left Auto
upside-down right-to-left IP address
it's like a Chinese newspaper
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
@apropos @coolboymew the IP address is even more amazing if you assume it's meant to be, the first two octets have individually rotated characters and then the block of the last two octets is rotated as a whole
@apropos @coolboymew just zoomed in and noticed the upside-down dots are also flipped differently, amazing
@birdulon @apropos how the fuck does this even happen
@coolboymew @apropos while mulling over the possible existence of dot matrix displays with scanning flip bits, I encountered an unrelated more explainable bug:
Google rewrites queries, associated "dot matrix display" -> "microcontrollers" -> "MCU" -> "Marvel Cinematic Universe" (and yes this was page 1)
@coolboymew @apropos oh I'm retarded, the first two octets aren't rotated, just V-mirrored.
That actually makes this a lot simpler conceptually, you can split it up into four quadrants, left half quads are unmirrored horizontally, right half quads are H-mirrored, top half quads are unmirrored vertically, bottom half quads are V-mirrored.
@birdulon @apropos jesus fucking christ
@birdulon @apropos @coolboymew Stuff like Google sometimes really feels like you're seeing a brake-less vehicule getting into an accident…
Would be funny if it weren't so bad/awful.
@lanodan @apropos @coolboymew The thing that gets me is that the internally fake-open culture creates a lot of useful idiots in Google who believe that because they can see the monorepo and various search-related things inside it, that there can't possibly be clandestine operations on production.
Then someone with the *real* access to that operational segment whistleblows or is subpoenaed or whatever and they're all shocked at what is going on under their noses, and they proceed to assume that it's an outlier and every other operational segment is completely above board because they personally work on some open source toy within Google.