Neo-Nazi is a stupid term.
Nazi is already a pejorative.
What's neo about it?
"Nazi" is short for National Socialist.
Should we call niggers, "Neo-Niggers?"
How about calling jews "(((MEGA-KIKES)))?"
I like the term Post-Capitalist. Anti-Weimar Rockwellist. Or just American White Nationalist. Because not all nations are the same nation. It should be understood that we are American and not Israeli.
@Herbst White power fren!
Fren = Far right ethno-nationalist
Sure, but there's something to be said about uniting under one banner, even if it is a silly pejorative. They've already fractured us enough, and even if I live in a different state or country, it still warms my heart to know there are White brothers resisting this in their own areas, in their own ways. One people, one struggle.