@Dan_Ramos I just begrudgingly bought permission to continue pretending I own property for another year recently :blobrage:
@white_male @Dan_Ramos yeah property tax is handled by the county here.
@thatguyoverthere @Dan_Ramos Out of curiosity, how much% of that is federeal, state and local? I assume you're getting rape by local govt.
@white_male @Dan_Ramos The feds rape me in other ways, but property tax might be one of the biggest scams of all. Most people take years to pay off the debt to own a property just to have the state threaten to steal it from them every year if they don't give them some arbitrary amount of money they determine they are entitled to based on the "property value" which is really just a derivative of your work more or less (value is a bit more than sqft and location).
@thatguyoverthere @Dan_Ramos Ofc, it's a scam world wide. If you count up all the direct and indirect taxes, by an estimation i vaguely remember, you end up giving away 50% in lowest bracket, 70% in middle bracket and 85% in the top bracket. You're getting pittance for your work in exchange for the illusion of owning shit.
@thatguyoverthere @Dan_Ramos @white_male Where I live gives you a pie chart of what all the property tax is used for…i love having fully a month and a half of my yearly take-home income spent on paying for schools I will never send my kids to and pension funds Lol.
@thatguyoverthere @Dan_Ramos @white_male Oh and since all the house prices skyrocketed my tax has hit the yearly increase cap for two years now
@EssentialUtinsil @Dan_Ramos @white_male yup. No desire to sell so let's worry how much my property is wortb