[Freebird playing in the background]
- luithe and :gura_sus: 1e+6 litres :flag_china: like this.
- Machismo and luithe repeated this.
People go along with a justice system that usually delivers just and fair outcomes even if there are occasional mistakes. When the general consensus tilts into considering the system broken and unjust people stop going along and all bets are off. Just another sign of a disintegrating civilization. This is going to get worse.
I was just listening to Molymeme's podcast about the Wild West. Turns out if we look at the per capita crime rates it was incredibly safe and peaceful compared to present day America. Even infamous rowdy cattle towns like Abilene had a couple of years without a single murder. Compare that to say Baltimore today...
@deesenaughts @NathanielHigger1488 Don't remember where but I read that it's usually male, center right judges and lawyers who make life a living hell for divorcing men, because they should "man up" or whatever, whereas the women in those positions usually aren't as bad unless they're ultra feminists
@deesenaughts Nah it was a male, that's his picture
@NathanielHigger1488 wow wtf how did I misread that lol. Whatever, honorary femoid then.
@NathanielHigger1488 Wilkinson (a FEMALE iirc) had it coming.
@NathanielHigger1488 Killing an bad judge is definitely a big step up over a suicide