@Dan_Ramos I just tried to download the entire catalog of both recently
Furgar (furgar@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 11:44:02 JST Furgar
cool_boy_mew (coolboymew@shitposter.club)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 11:43:59 JST cool_boy_mew
@apx @istvan I have it on cart. I have I, II and III cart with box, but IV has an awful cardboard box and I wasn't paying for that -
istván (istvan@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 11:44:00 JST istván
@furgar @apx @Dan_Ramos Phantasy Star IV is the Sega Genesis RPG that’s worth playing. Phantasy Star II has a good story but damn it’s old and hard to forgive the gameplay.
There is also Surging Aura, but I don’t know much about it except it has a history of 27 years of failed translation projects: the only ways to play it are in Japanese or French.
3D Eyeball For Windows (apx@shitposter.club)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 11:44:00 JST 3D Eyeball For Windows
@istvan If you get Phantasy Star IV get the Proper Case & Bugfix rom patches -
Furgar (furgar@noagendasocial.com)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 11:44:01 JST Furgar
Thank you for the offer but I honestly don't know enough to know what I'm missing. Also even though I told myself I would jumping back into my childhood and playing old games, I ended up buying baldur's gate 3. 🤣
3D Eyeball For Windows (apx@shitposter.club)'s status on Sunday, 22-Oct-2023 11:44:02 JST 3D Eyeball For Windows
@furgar @Dan_Ramos I got a sick curated SNES ROM collection if you want it. 1 copy every games US, every Europe exclusive game, all Japanese games that have eng patches. Even shit like Trials of mana, Starfox 2 and Terranigma with a 60hz NTSC patch -
cool_boy_mew (coolboymew@shitposter.club)'s status on Monday, 23-Oct-2023 21:08:01 JST cool_boy_mew
@apx @istvan only for snes -
3D Eyeball For Windows (apx@shitposter.club)'s status on Monday, 23-Oct-2023 21:08:03 JST 3D Eyeball For Windows
@coolboymew @istvan you got any Flash carts