@Suiseiseki @charlie_root :gnu_interjection: I respond to copypasta as if it were not copypasta. :itscalledwedoalittletrolling:
> Linux isn't a clone of an OS - it's a clone of a monolithic Unix kernel's.
The name that Linus Torvalds gave to the distribution of his kernel with gcc and the rest of the GNU userspace was "Linux" (after renaming it from "Freax").
> I have long waited for someone to write up a legitimate argument about why Linux is an OS without systemd, but maybe today is the day.
Well, at least I run it without systemd. That link, though, looks for CONFIG_DEFAULT_INIT,
> "open source"
In much the same way that I reject the hard-G pronunciation of "GNU", I refuse to use "FOSS", "FLOSS", "F/LOSS", etc. GNU vs. OSI is a spook, it's better to just ignore all of the terminology arguments. I can say I'm running an open-source operating system and the DB and the Balormo are open-source and then if you say that they are not open-source and not an operating system then that's fine.
> people *always* assume the former to mean source-available and the latter to mean; gratis, source-available
People assume a lot of things; it's better to focus effort on the people that do know what they are talking about.
> Please let the freedom flow
:eaglecry: I agree with this part completely. :fse: