"I wonder sometimes whether therapy is a negative for society overall. Any time you have a problem these days people tell you to try therapy, which is a little like saying you can't get empathy unless you pay for it, replacing real human connection with an artificial commodified version. I'm not sure if that's healthy. Sometimes too much therapy seems to make people sicker, more narcissistic, in some ways less human. And way more likely to tell other people to go to therapy."
- cool_boy_mew likes this.
@sim That's a jaded take. It's true that any confidant, whether a friend or relative or lover, can provide a similar function to a therapist. However a therapist has training and practice in knowing what questions to ask what advice to offer, and can do some of the unpleasant work that can be straining if done with friends. Also the fact that they're not one of your current friends or relatives gives them a different perspective not constrained by the social circle.
So yeah, if you can get "deep talk" with someone you know, that's great. Not everyone has access to someone like that in their life, though.
I think such a blanket dismissal of therapy is motivated. I find it troublesome that in the current mental health crisis, all avenues for people to improve it are being simultaneously vilified:
Medication will hurt you
Therapist will hurt you
Self-help is a scam
Guess you should just doomscroll, to be safe.
I honestly think there is a concerted effort to increase mental illness and make everyone crazy.
@aven @sim I'm unsure if it's a jaded take. There's definitively some sort of real weird "therapy" culture doing on among the left and shitlibs and it's kinda really weird. Along with therapy words that started to pollute everything on top of academia
@coolboymew @aven Yeah, especially when you start looking at the idea of affirming clients. Therapists can lose their license if they don't do this now. So the role becomes more about listening to the client and going with whatever they say. At that point, do they need therapy if the client knows everything?
@sim @coolboymew @aven professional affirmer :dumb_wojak:
@sim @aven @coolboymew you have to go into a debt bond with the system to obtain such a position. That way there's no concern you might go on affirming the wrong things.
@thatguyoverthere @aven @coolboymew Where do I sign up?
@thatguyoverthere @sim @coolboymew It's actually kind of terrifying to turn the role of a doctor or therapist into that of a "Yes Man", especially with a political bent. Imagine "affirming care" for someone with depression:
>I feel like I should kill myself
<Yes, well then you should, let's arrange that with MAID.
I think that if the current mental health profession were to tackle depression today, with a clean slate of no previous literature or history, they would call depression "trans-deader", because depressed people's self-actualization is to become dead.