#dreamjournal I discovered some new method to make emojis appear larger to everyone using pleromer. After testing that out, Mia joins my instance under different name as FSE filters them due to being on older version, and starts uploading and posting hundreds of emojis per minute. It went harmless at first, but then posts with malformed HTML started coming, and after a few attempts I've got a giant hamster bouncing like a DVD screensaver in bloat's notification frame. Then more payloads started coming in, my whole screen area turned into something aking to the username:666 video but with imagery of weird slugs and grubs instead, and all text I've been writing got replaced by highly detailed cool flaming letters. Apaprently said letters were contagious as I was chatting with Nukie on timeline and she noted that happening to her as well. Not sure about grubs. At last, to me it became more concerning than funny, I was trying hard to close the tabs so I can reset my auth tokens in peace, but the PC was lagging so hard I could barely even move the mouse.